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Utilizing the Color Replacement Tool as a part of Adobe Photoshop CS5

In this extract from Photoshop CS5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide, Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas demonstrate to you best practices to utilize the Color Replacement instrument.


From the book

Utilizing the Color Replacement device

The Color Replacement device gives you a chance to change shading, tint, immersion, and iridescence values, aside from as opposed to utilizing a discourse as you do with Replace Color, you apply changes physically with a brush. You can likewise indicate mode, testing, breaking points, and resilience parameters for the instrument. Furthermore, not at all like the Brush device, which applies level hues, the Color Replacement instrument tries to save the first surface as it changes hues. This instrument, similar to the Replace Color and Match Color charges, is particularly helpful to promoting and index creators.

To utilize the Color Replacement apparatus

1.         Open a RGB picture.

2.         Choose the Color Replacement apparatus (B or Shift-B).

3.         To pick a substitution shading, do both of the accompanying:

Pick a Foreground shading from the Color or Swatches board, or test a Foreground shading by Alt/Option clicking in the report.

In case will pick Background Swatch as the Sampling alternative in step 5, pick a Background shading now.

4.         If the shading you picked isn't on the Swatches board, add it to the board by tapping the New Swatch of Foreground Color catch.

5.         From the Options bar, pick parameters for the device: A

From the Brush Preset picker, pick a high Hardness esteem and a low Spacing esteem.

To control which shading qualities the device applies to the picture, pick a Mode of Hue, Saturation, Color, or Luminosity. We've been satisfied with the outcomes we've gotten with Color mode.

Click a Sampling catch: Continuous to apply the present Foreground shading to all pixels the brush disregards (we incline toward this choice since it gives us a chance to supplant both light and dim hues); or Once to test the principal pixel the brush focus tap on and apply the Foreground shading just to pixels that match that underlying inspected shading (since this choice limits the examining to only one shading, in the event that you have to supplant, say, diverse shades of a specific shading, you would need to test every one independently); or Background Swatch to supplant just hues that match or are like the present Background shading.

From the Limits menu, pick Discontinuous to recolor just pixels under the pointer; or Contiguous to recolor pixels under the pointer in addition to adjoining pixels; or Find Edges (our most loved choice) to recolor pixels under the pointer while keeping the shading substitution inside discrete shapes. Note: Remember that notwithstanding the Limits decision, the apparatus is likewise controlled by the present Sampling and Tolerance decisions.

Pick a Tolerance esteem (1–100%) for the scope of hues to be recolor. A high Tolerance esteem allows an extensive variety of hues to be recolored; a low esteem permits just pixels that nearly coordinate the tested shading to be recolored.

Discretionary: Check Anti-assumed name for smoother moves between the first and substitution hues.

In case you're utilizing a stylus and tablet, tap the Tablet Pressure Controls Size catch and from the Size menu on the Brush Preset picker, pick Pen Pressure or Stylus Wheel.

6.         A Choose settings for the Color Replacement instrument from the Options bar.Click a layer, alter the brush breadth by squeezing [ or ], then drag over the zones to be recolored(A-D, next page). Just pixels that fall inside the picked Mode, Sampling, Limits, and Tolerance parameters will be recolored.

•           For exact control when utilizing the Color Replacement instrument, you can change Options bar settings or brush width between strokes.

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